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Power Your Business with Clean Energy through Power Purchase Agreements from World Kinect.

If you’re adding sustainable options to your energy management plan, PPAs are a great way to make progress on decarbonization without a large upfront capital investment in infrastructure. But securing these long-term contracts requires experience and expertise.

Our team of experts will guide you through every step of the Power Purchase Agreement process. After an in-depth PPA assessment, we can tailor a plan that addresses your energy needs and program goals, simplifying renewable energy procurement. Throughout the contracting process, we’ll be immersed in the details—from vendor selection to contract negotiation and beyond—so you don’t have to be.

Connect with an Energy Specialist from World Kinect and discover your options today.

Explore PPA options for your business.

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What is a Power Purchase Agreement?

A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a long-term contract (typically 10-15 years) through which a corporate buyer agrees to purchase electricity and Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) physically or virtually from a renewable energy generator. EACs—also known as Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) in North America and Guarantees of Origin (GOs) in Europe—have many different names around the world.

A popular solution for helping businesses migrate toward a net zero future, this powerful tool also helps meet long-term carbon reduction and renewable energy goals and satisfy various stakeholders. There are generally 2 types of PPAs: Direct or Physical Power Purchase Agreements (DPPA) and Virtual or Financial Power Purchase Agreements (VPPA).


Why World Kinect for Power Purchase Agreements?

When committing to a long-term contract of any kind, you want experts on your side. The strength of our service comes from our energy experts, who share over 100 combined years of expertise in consulting and renewable energy. Our advisors have years of experience arranging PPAs for clients of all sizes and industries. 

Customers consider World Kinect an extension of their team – always on their side to help optimize every facet of their energy needs. They delve into the details of energy markets and solutions while helping you understand commercial terms and support contracting with some of the best, most reliable project owners around the globe.


World Kinect Explains: Virtual Power Purchase Agreements

At a Get Kinected event in Minneapolis, Minnesota, renewable energy experts provided insight into the tangible benefits of Virtual Power Purchase Agreements.


Move Your Business Toward a Net Zero Future: Get Started with Power Purchase Agreements

Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Assessments

The first step is a PPA assessment, where our advisors capture your energy needs and sustainability goals along with your overall organizational goals and priorities. After careful research, we will provide:

  • A no-obligation, detailed analysis of the market
  • Support for internal key stakeholder alignment
  • A financial assessment of potentially fitting offers
  • A strategy for moving the project forward with timelines and milestones


Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Advisory

PPA Advisory process starts with PPA Assessment phase to develop the company’s PPA strategy. The 6 week program helps the company to jump start the PPA process with a ready to execute strategy.

PPA Advisory Steps:

  • Project Kick-Off: Kick off the project, present project objectives, align project timeline, and explain roles and responsibilities.
  • Stakeholder Alignment and Education: Conduct workshops for stakeholders to understand what involvement is needed in the PPA process
  • Project Selection/RFP: World Kinect will prepare evaluate available projects to its market outreach, gather responses and analyse them.
  • Financial Modelling & Shortlisting: World Kinect will run financial models and recommend shortlisted projects based on NPV/Cashflow results
  • Developer Interviews: Developer interviews with shortlisted developers to further understand project and counterparties
  • Project Selection: Customer will select project and developer based on analysis provided and interviews
  • Term Sheet negotiation: World Kinect helps the customers to draft and negotiate the term sheet
  • PPA negotiations: World Kinect supports the customers to negotiate the key commercial terms in the PPA contract and execute the PPA.


Are Power Purchase Agreements Right for You?

If PPA's don't meet your organization's needs, our renewable energy experts can recommend several other options that support your sustainability goals and your energy management program.

Our team can also help guide you through your other options for mitigating Scope 2 emissions.  If you have the physical space and other requirements, onsite solar could be a great option. Unbundled Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) around the world can help your decarbonization and sustainability goals as a bridge solution until more long-term solutions are feasible or in place. 

If you are not sure where to start, our energy experts can conduct a Renewable Energy Strategy Assessment to help determine which solution would work best for your business. 


Could transferrable tax credits (TTCs) help boost your renewable energy efforts?

In 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act expanded tax credits for renewable energy, added new technologies, and introduced “transferability” to boost corporate investment and help developers maximize their tax benefits. Considered by some in the industry to be “truly transformative,” the concept of tax credit transferability has added new opportunities to the marketplace.

Want to know more? Ask about World Kinect’s Transferable Tax Credit Advisory. Our team of experts helps you determine if TTCs could help you save money on your tax bills, support renewable energy development, and potentially fund future decarbonization initiatives.