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Fuel & Power Emergency Management

Minimize Price and Operational Risk


Emergency Management for Mission-Critical Industries

Business continuity is critical to the sustained operations of most businesses, especially government organizations, hospitals, and mission-critical industries.

However, most organizations are ill-prepared for ensuring continued operations or clean-up following emergencies or weather disasters. Next time fuel supply gets tight, or the power goes out, what is your plan?

World Kinect Energy Services' Emergency Management experts help design and execute business continuity plans, ensuring you have what you need to stay up and running when disaster strikes. We audit your current supplier capabilities and design a plan to activate during supply interruptions. If needed, we can become your energy first responder, delivering emergency fuel for equipment and back-up power.  Ensure your operations are prepared for emergencies before they happen.

Why Choose World Kinect for Power Emergency Management?

It will cost you less to prepare proactively for and address your fuel and power needs in advance. Receive an audit of potential weaknesses and threats to your organization in times of crisis, followed by a documented plan of action to execute to ensure critical energy-reliant functions are not interrupted.

Plan in place

It will cost you less to prepare proactively for and address your fuel and power needs in advance. Receive an audit of potential weaknesses and threats to your organization in times of crisis, followed by a documented plan of action to execute to ensure critical energy-reliant functions are not interrupted.
Avoid shutting down your operations during unexpected blackouts and fuel shortages. Disasters are becoming more common, more destructive, and more costly. The next disaster or emergency is not a matter of if – it is when.

Uninterrupted operations

Avoid shutting down your operations during unexpected blackouts and fuel shortages. Disasters are becoming more common, more destructive, and more costly. The next disaster or emergency is not a matter of if – it is when.
Receive supply priority during emergencies with structured agreements for back-up power supply and equipment. Secure your energy “first responders” placed as back-up support for large-scale disaster and recovery situations.

Supply priority

Receive supply priority during emergencies with structured agreements for back-up power supply and equipment. Secure your energy “first responders” placed as back-up support for large-scale disaster and recovery situations.
Don’t be at the mercy of peak pricing due to low supply and high demand. Receive more favorable pricing with structured agreements before disasters occur.

Favorable pricing

Don’t be at the mercy of peak pricing due to low supply and high demand. Receive more favorable pricing with structured agreements before disasters occur.
That is there for you when you need support the most.

Single point of contact

That is there for you when you need support the most.

How We Do It: Fuel and Power Emergency Management


Our team comes onsite to conduct a comprehensive survey of your existing power sources, fuel operations, generator fuel, and infrastructure. We then help you document the backup power and fuel supply you need as part of your business continuity and emergency response plans.

  • Contracted supply options
  • Fuel storage & dispensing equipment
  • Backup power options
  • Pricing methodology to mitigate spikes
  • Fleet fuel card programs.

As the emergency unfolds, we serve as your energy first responders. You’ll know whom to contact, where to turn, and what to expect when the power goes out or the fuel supply tightens, even when resources are most strained.

  • Priority levels for bulk fuel delivery
  • Back-up power (equipment and fuel)
  • Detailed contact plans
  • Crisis tracking and monitoring updates
  • Access to an environmental intelligence suite.

Count on us to help you execute through the phases that lead back to normalcy. Recovery plans can include clean-up operations, safe product procedures, and delivery schedule changes. We also help you identify lessons learned to incorporate into your ongoing emergency response plans.

  • Remediation and cleanup
  • Postmortem analysis
  • Post-event recovery strategies
  • Fuel & equipment needs reassessment.

How it Works: Emergency Fuel Storage Solutions

World Kinect provides mobile and temporary fuel storage solutions - in a variety of sizes, with a wide selection of ancillary equipment to suit operational requirements, ensuring your business remains productive through any situation. We work with reliable manufacturers across the globe to provide a wide range of storage and telemonitoring solutions to fit your business needs, whether you are looking for small portable fuel tanks, a fuel tank trailer, or a whole fuel farm installation. 


How can we help you?

Get in touch with us.