Get customized strategies for the marine market. From fixed forward to capped supply pricing, our diverse derivative products and physical contract strategies are designed to meet your specific needs.
Our physical products enable buyers to reduce their buying costs over the short or long term. Trigger contracts, discounted contracts and capped floating contracts are also available on a variety of underlying indices. Exotic features can be added to extract even more value.
We monitor daily opportunities between fuel types, locations, and times. And we successfully trade in products cracks, time spreads, geographical arbitrage, and flat prices. Purchase swaps and options in fuel oil cargo indices, such as MOPS 380CST, USG No6 3.0%, CIF Med 3.5%, and Rotterdam FOB Barges 3.5%, at selected ports including China, U.S. West Coast, Rotterdam, and the Canaries.

Price Risk Management Solutions Customized to Your Operations
Price risk management helps you mitigate risk and stabilize cash flows. Our highly effective physical and financial fuel price risk management programs are customized to your budgetary requirements.