
Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs)

What are Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs)?

Reduce your Scope 2 emissions with best-in-class practices

Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) are the underlying mechanism for claiming consumption of renewable energy. EACs support compliance by:

  • Global accounting and reporting frameworks
  • Bolstering renewable energy development
  • Relieving pressure from your stakeholders

Energy Attribute Certificates are Internationally Recognized



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Also known as Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) as well as other schemes around the world,
EACs are internationally recognized, tradable instruments which prove that electricity has been generated from solar, wind or another renewable source. Each EAC represents the environmental benefits of
1MWh of renewable energy generation.

Why Energy Attribute Certificates?

EACs are a cost-effective and adaptable way to reduce your organization’s carbon footprint and achieve your sustainability goals. An EAC beneficiary can claim the use of renewable energy and its associated environmental benefits. It can also demonstrate their commitment to renewable energy generation while stimulating the development of renewable power projects worldwide. EACs offer:

Immediate action

Immediate action

A fast and reliable way to reduce Scope 2 emissions, with precise visibility on the impact of your company’s action.

Dependable tracking

Dependable tracking

Most reliable way to track and claim the renewable attributes associated with energy production.

Low risk

Low risk

No exposure to the volatility of power prices means no financial risk and visibility on final costs

Empowered choice

Empowered choice

Variety and transparency in selecting a renewable energy source

Proof of Sustainability Agenda

Proof of Sustainability Agenda

Ability to signal demand for renewable energy technologies and support their advancement

How It Works

Energy Attribute Certificates

EACs allow any end-user to claim the consumption of the associated renewable energy.

Traceable, unique & unduplicable, EACs provide assurance as to the origin of electricity.


EACs have different names around the world:

  • Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) in North America
  • Guarantees of Origin (GOs) in Europe
  • Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin (REGOs) in the United Kingdom
  • International Renewable Energy Certificates (I RECs)
  • Tradable Instruments for Global Renewables (TIGRs) in many other parts of the world
  • J-Credits and Non-Fossil Certificates (NFCs) in Japan
  •  And several other kinds of national schemes








EAC Diagram


Are EACs right for you?

Whether you want to get started with decarbonizing your business or your current sustainability plan is falling short, the energy experts at World Kinect can help determine if EACs are right for your organization. If not, our team can help find the renewable energy solutions that work for you.

Onsite solar is a great option if you have the physical space and needs, or Virtual Power Purchase Agreements (VPPAs) allow you to include renewables in your energy mix, regardless of your physical plant.

Contact our EAC team to explore your options.


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EACs + social impact = TrackmyElectricity.com

Choose where and which renewable Power Plants your EACs come from with our proprietary platform, TrackmyElectricityTM. Hundreds of our global solar, wind, and hydro (and more) generation partners are presented in one place, giving you visibility on EXACTLY where and how your renewable power is generated.

You can also choose to go one step further to make a direct, additional impact through TME projects. These projects are managed by our trusted partner NGOs, and they focus on eliminating energy poverty in remote, off-grid areas through new renewable projects.

TME package includes:

  • Featured electricity generation facilities across the globe
  • Projects and partnerships with NGOs for electrification in remote areas
  • Tailor-made customer webpages featuring all your electricity sources

Not sure where to start your renewable journey? Ask about our Renewable Energy Strategic Assessment which can help determine which solution would work best for your business.

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We Tailor Energy Attribute Certification Strategies to Your Needs

Our energy experts delve into the details of energy markets and solutions so that you don’t have to. When purchasing EACs, the right partner makes all the difference.

We tailor our services to your needs, by offering a full suite of services from EAC strategy definition to implementation. We cover all aspects of the EAC life-cycle, including reporting and management. This provides you with a global overview of your renewable energy consumption from any source: unbundled EAC purchases, supplier programs, VPPAs and on-site installations. In addition, by contracting with us, you ensure that you’re partnering with a sole, reliable counterparty.

Our dedicated global EAC team has direct market access to EACs in any country where they are available. This includes the following types of EAC:

  • Guarantees of Origin (GOs) in Europe
  • Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) in North America
  • International Renewable Energy Certificates (I-RECs) in many parts of the world
  • Tradable Instruments for Global Renewables (TIGRs) mainly in Asia
  • Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGOs) in the United Kingdom
  • J-Credits and Non-Fossil Certificates (NFCs) in Japan

World Kinect’s energy specialists are with you from beginning to end. We can help you navigate the challenges of identifying and securing the best EACs to meet your sustainability needs. 

How can we help you with EACs?

Get in touch with us.