- 1:30 hours away from Paris downtown
- Runway 05-23: 5,541′ x 154′ with a maximum takeoff weight (MTOW) of 91,190 pounds and a maximum landing weight (MLW) of 83,500 pounds.
- Runway 12-30: 5,413′ x 164′ with a MTOW of 88,080 pounds and a MLW of 83,500 pounds
Summer Olympics 2024 - Paris, France

Updated 7/17/2024
The Summer Olympics will occur in Paris, France, from July 26th to August 11th. We have updated information from our supply team and vendors related to business and general aviation (BGA), which is detailed below.
Slot Update
All previously provided information still applies. Additionally, slots will be assigned every 20 minutes for both arrivals and departures, and all slot confirmations are to be included in line 18 of the ICAO flight plan.
Flight Intention Form
From now until September 16th, a Flight Intention Form with crew and passenger information must be forwarded to the local handler in Paris with all flight details. It is highly recommended that the form be submitted at least 24 hours before take-off. However, the deadline for the form is two (2) hours before take-off. If it is submitted within two (2) hours, the authorities will ban the flight.
No section of the form can be modified except for adding lines for crew members or passengers.
For more information on the form or to have one submitted for you, please contact our Trip Support team.
Use of Paris – Charles de Gaulle (LFPG)
LFPG is dedicated to scheduled commercial operations. While BGA flights are permitted when carrying passengers with airline connectivity, the following is in effect from now until September 16th, inclusive:
- Any slot request for a BGA flight with a capacity of less than 25 seats will be refused unless the slot request contains the following:
- The ticket for the connecting commercial flight for the passengers of the requested private flight.
- The exemption from the competent authorities for the operation of this private flight into LFPG.
All aircraft can stay a maximum of five (5) hours on the ground.
Fuel Supply
World Fuel currently has a fuel supply at these 17 airports in France:
ICAO | Airport | ICAO | Airport | ICAO | Airport | ||
LFDN | St-Agnant | LFMT | Montpellier Mediteranee | LFBE | Bergerac Roumanier | ||
LFOB | Beauvais Tille | LFBD | Bordeaux Merignac | LFPB | Le Bourget | ||
LFOK | Chalons Vatry | LFRV | Meucon | LFBO | Toulouse-Blagnac | ||
LFOP | Vallee De Seine | LFBT | Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees | LFLL | Lyon Saint Exupery | ||
LFSB | Basel-Mulhouse (French Side) | LFMN | Nice Cote D`Azur | LFQQ | Lille Lesquin | ||
LFBH | Ile De Re | LFTH | Toulon-Hyeres |
Our supply levels are adequate at these locations. Due to the high likelihood of changes and the large number of expected movements, our fuel operations are prepared to handle any potential situations.
Olympics Information from United Healthcare Global
Our health, security, and transportation business partner, United Healthcare Global, wrote a report specifically on the upcoming event. It contains information on the venue cities, travel tips, the healthcare landscape, security and intelligence, and air and land transportation.
Review the full report provided by UHC Global.
Handler Information
Please see our handling reports for several of the airports supporting the games:
Award-Winning Support:
Voted as #1 Best International Trip Planning in the 2024 ProPilot PRASE Survey, our global team of local experts is dedicated to supporting your operations. The World Fuel Trip Support team is available 24/7 to provide additional information or to help with your trip at [email protected].
Updated 6/6/2024
In just under two months, the Summer Olympics will take place in Paris, France July 26th to August 11th. Continuing our coverage of restrictions leading up to the games, we have detailed below updated information related to business and general aviation (BGA).
Published Airspace Restrictions
The airspace restrictions for the games are detailed in a dedicated aeronautical information publication, AIP SUP 096/24. These Restrictions apply from July 22nd to September 8th, covering both the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The opening ceremony airspace closure is detailed in AIP SUP 095/24. EUROCONTROL will reject any filed flight plans between 1530 and 2200 UTC.
Finally, specific aviation security measures will apply from July 22nd to August 11th. Flights within the restricted areas will require a three-phase authorization:
- Request for pilot approval
- Flight intention filing
- Issuance of a flight authorization including the allocation of a transponder code
More information on these requirements can be found in AIC France A 07/24.
Slots and Parking Update
There will be an accreditation requirement for each operator and each crew member to apply for slots into Le Bourget (LFPB) during the Olympic period. Details of the accreditation process will become available in late May or early June. Slots will be in effect for the entirety of the games, with LFPB specifically slot coordinated from July 12th to September 16th. The specific slot requirement also applies to the following airports: Marseille (LFML), Beauvais (LFOB), and Lille (LFQQ). More information can be found in AIC FRANCE A 06/24.
Landing Permit Update
As previously stated, France requires a charter landing permit. In addition, all Third Country Operators must hold a valid EASA TCO Authorization prior to requesting the French landing permission. Typically, the lead time for a landing permit is two working days, but assume it will take a little longer due to a larger request volume related to the games.
Specific Routings
While AIC France A 07/24 and AIP SUP 096/24 mention specific routings for VFR and helicopter operations, there have not been any published for IFR operations yet.
AIC France A 07/24 states, “IFR: follow published and authorized flight paths.” So, the current requirement is that flight plans be submitted and validated by EUROCONTROL as per normal procedure. Any changes would be implemented by an updated AIC or future NOTAM.
AIP SUP 096/24 states, “Specific traffic flow regulation measures, including the temporary suspension of IFR flights, are likely to be implemented at all aerodromes located in ZIT and ZRT.” Based on this, IFR flights may be temporarily suspended for air security reasons. As mentioned above, NOTAMs will be used to communicate any suspensions since they will be on an as-needed basis.
To shorten the commute to/from your hotel, we recommend starting with the location of the Olympic venue you wish to attend. Locations include Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Nice, Saint-Denis, and more. This can be found at olympics.com/en/paris-2024/venues. Multiple hotels, apartments, B&Bs, and rentals (Vrbo and Airbnb) are available for every budget. For stays in Paris, Marriott, Acor, Hilton, and Hyatt brands are available. Lyon, Nice, and Marseille also have rooms available, but will likely sell out soon. As the event approaches, room rates will increase as the lower room categories sell out first. The best tip is to book your loyalty program hotel for elite status perks, compare prices, and book early.
Voted as #1 Best International Trip Planning in the 2024 ProPilot PRASE Survey, our global team of local experts is dedicated to supporting your operations, including providing updated information for the games as details warrant. The World Fuel Trip Support team is available 24/7 to provide additional information or to help with your trip at [email protected].
Posted 4/15/2024
This year, the Summer Olympics will be hosted in Paris, France, from July 26th to August 11th. Any restrictions put in place for aviation will be detailed in a dedicated aeronautical information publication (SUP AIP), scheduled to be released between the end of April and early May. However, there is some information that is known today. This resource article concentrates on business and general aviation (BGA) and will be updated as new information is released leading up to the games.
This article will be updated as new information becomes available. If you are planning a trip to the Olympics, try to plan ahead, stay flexible and patient, and expect higher-than-normal prices. For more information or help setting up a trip, feel free to contact the Trip Support team at [email protected].
Known Airspace Restrictions
Per French DGAC, they are closing Parisian airspace during the Opening Ceremonies on July 26th. The no-fly zone will be from the ground to unlimited out to 150 KM from the city center and valid from 1900L-2359L (1700Z-2159Z). Only emergency flights will permitted in the restricted area during this time.
Slots and Parking – What we know so far
All Paris airports, including Charles de Gaulle (LFPG), Orly (LFPO), Le Bourget (LFPB), and Beauvais (LFOB), will be inside the closure radius on the 26th, so there will be no flights in or out during the period, even for heads of state. Also, slots will not be issued for these airports between 1530Z and 2200Z.
LFPG and LFPO are commercial airports without any BGA facilities or services, and parking is not possible. The only BGA flights permitted are quick turnarounds for VVIP passengers transferring to/from commercial flights. During the Olympics specifically, these two airports will see an increased number of flights due to visiting Heads of State and the arrivals and departures of the Olympic teams. Therefore, unless a flight falls into these categories, don’t plan on using these airports.
Slots will be in effect for the rest of the games, with LFPB specifically slot coordinated between July 12th to September 16th. Slot requirements at other BGA-accessible nearby airports will vary.
While specifics are not yet known on how to apply, how many can be had by an operator, etc., it is expected that they will be issued on a “first come, first served” basis. Nothing has been mentioned about slot tolerances at this point, but it would not be surprising if they are very tight so as to accommodate as many aircraft as possible. Keep this in mind when planning flights. Parking will be at a premium and, again, is expected to be “first come, first served.” If you are able to get slots but not parking, which is highly likely, reposition to another French airport or even to another neighboring country. Once you have slots and/or parking confirmed, don’t change the schedule. Doing so could result in losing one or both reservations.
Alternate Airports Outside of Paris
Here is a list of airports to consider outside of Le Bourget (LFPB).
Pontoise (LFPT)
Vatry (LFOK)
- 2:00 hours away from Paris downtown
- Runway 10-28: 12,664′ x 148′ with a maximum takeoff weight (MTOW) of 103,600 pounds and a maximum landing weight (MLW) of 83,500 pounds
- Huge amount of parking space.
Albert (LFAQ)
La Mans (LFRM)
- 2:30 hours away from Paris downtown
- Runway 02-20: 4659’, width 98’
- Max size/type of aircraft are aircraft less than 15T in commercial flight/less than 45T in private flight
- Parking space readily available
More Information
More information on these airports can be found at https://www.sia.aviation-civile.gouv.fr/dvd/eAIP_22_FEB_2024/FRANCE/AIRAC-2024-02-22/html/index-fr-FR.html
Click the AD 2 AERODROMES CIVILS DOTES DE PROCEDURES IFR link on the left side menu, scroll to the airport name, and select airport name. Note the different restrictions - Mon-Fri only, PPR for customs in general, PPR for customs if outside Schengen, etc.
Other things to keep in mind when planning to attend the Olympics
Safety Protocols
There may be more stringent safety protocols implemented during the games. When these have been seen before, they have typically impacted what the required documents are for slots and/or landing permits.
Landing Permit
France does require a charter landing permit, so if entering the country as this type, be sure to know what documents are needed and process those as soon as possible. Typically, the lead time for a landing permit is two (2) days, but assume it will take a little longer due to a larger request volume.
Specific Routings
Due to the increased traffic, local ATC and EuroControl may implement specific routings in and out of northern France. Ensure these are used as ATC will change the plan to the specific route they require if it is not filed initially. Any changes will most likely result in departure delays and, thus, loss of slot times.
Try to book rooms as early as possible, but watch the cancellation policy. The rooms may be non-refundable or have a cancellation policy of several days or weeks’ notice. Rooms may also be hard to come by due to blocks of them being reserved. It is highly likely that hotels further away from the event will need to be sought out if reservations have not been made already.
Like everything else, fuel will be in high demand. Depending on the situation, you may want to plan on tankering through rather than fueling at the location. This will prevent delays due to long waits for fuel or brief periods of shortages. The myWorld Tankering program is a great tool to help you with your fuel planning needs. Go here to find out more.
Slow Confirmations, Less Choice, and Inflated Prices of Services
Most of the time, services at a given location are confirmed in the same amount of time every visit. However, with the movement volume increasing due to the games, there will inevitably be slower response times.
Additionally, due to all that traffic, there may be fewer options. It’s wise to have not only a Plan A but also a B, C, and D ready, just in case. Things like staying for a shorter period of time, repositioning, staying in a hotel further away than normal, etc. should all be on the table.
Finally, prices are going to be higher due to supply and demand; be prepared for sticker shock. Hotels are the typical example. As mentioned earlier, the room rates are higher and there is no cancelation policy. One example of a Plan B here could be renting an apartment. One month’s rent may be cheaper than three (3) king-size crew rooms at a three (3) star or better hotel. Retail fuel prices may also be higher, so a good solution would be to use contract fuel instead.
Pop-up Trips
All the topics above apply even more to a pop-up trip. When a trip is planned near the start time or during the event, expect the unexpected. There will be very little in the way of selection, so more flexibility will be required. Also, be prepared for prices to be inflated even higher than if planning ahead of time. A trip can still go off without any problems if the right expectations are had.