Greece: Extensive Landing Permit Requirements

All non-EU charter operators wanting to operate into Greek destinations this summer have encountered new requirements from the Hellenic CAA for obtaining the landing permission. Foreign, non-EU charter operators with aircraft under 19 seats now need to be provide comprehensive documentation through a local, legal representative in order to obtain an annual operating license prior receiving a landing permission from the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority. Landing permission from the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA) remains valid for one year.
Prior to requesting any Greek permission, operators must ensure they hold a valid TCO Authorization from European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). The EASA TCO Authorization is an EU-wide safety authorization certifying a non-EU charter operator safe to perform charter flights into Europe. Learn more here.
Applying for the Annual License and the Landing Permission
Consider the following steps for a successful license application:
- Allow enough lead time. Time is required for both preparing the supporting documents and application processing. Applications with the below described full documentation must be submitted at least five (5) working days before the requested flight is scheduled to take place.
- Nominate a legal representative. Note that the legal representative must be locally established, e.g. your handling agent in Greece.
- Prepare the required documents (contact your local representative for available templates):
- Letter of appointment of a legal representative
- EASA TCO Authorization Certificate
- AOC with the Operating Specifications
- Registration Certificate for each operating aircraft
- Airworthiness Certificate for each operating aircraft
- Noise Certificate for each operating aircraft
- Certificates of installation of ACAS II and EGPWS for each operating aircraft
- EU Insurance certificates in compliance with the EC regulation 785/2004
- A commercial license issued by the CAA of the country of origin
- Certificate of approval of the Operator’s Security Manual issued by the CAA of the country of origin
- Submission of the Foreign Air Carrier Security Program
- Appointment of a Security Office Responsible for the air carrier in Greece – this person will countersign the Foreign Air Carrier Security Program
- Aircraft security search list with the air operator’s logo to prove implementation
- Ensure compliance with the following rules:
- Passengers must hold a personal or a group ticket with the following data clearly indicated: callsign/flight number, dates for arrival and departure, air operator’s name
- Strictly adhere to the cabotage rules for air taxi/charter operators for operations in Greece – domestic legs are not allowed
- Submit the full passenger manifest to airport authorities through your nominated agent
- Keep all documents and certificates up-to-date and on file with the HCAA regarding any changes in fleet, specifications, commercial license, etc. through your nominated agent
- Inform the HCAA of any changes and cancellations of the flight operations through your nominated agent
Non-EU charter operators performing technical stops or ambulance flights are not subject to the above requirements. However, the ambulance flights must be performed by a certified operator and the status STS/HOSP or STS/MEDEVAC must be clearly indicated in the ATC flight plan (section 18).