1. Fuel Calculation and Flight Routing
In this specific case, they are looking for routes to alternates that utilize SIDs and STARs. Some operators plan directs (DCT) from the destination airport to the alternate airport. Others will plan an actual route, but the use of a SID and/or STAR is rare. Inspectors want to see that sufficient fuel is factored in for flights, so they want to see both SIDs and STARs in a route to alternate. Failure to comply has led to different levels of findings. Category 2 findings have been issued when fuel levels were calculated to be above the minimum, with Category 3 findings being levied when fuel amounts were calculated below the minimum. The best way to ensure that you have no findings is to have a SID and STAR showing in a route string on your flight plan format. As of late July, World Fuel Services’ Flight Planning Team will build all routes to alternates with SIDs and STARs, with the full route strings visible on all flight plan formats.